West Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) makes a ‘Local Offer’, outlining the provision available for SEND children and their parents.

SEND Local Offer

Within this page, we have  provided resources and information for parents on SENSENCo and SEND. Resources for the latest ‘Local Offer’, our Inclusion Policy and our SEN Information Report can be found in the section to the right. Additionally a Glossary of Terms can be found towards the bottom of this page.

Who can I contact for further information?

The class teacher is the first point of contact but parents are also welcome to directly contact the SENCo. All contacts are initially made through the school office.

Miss Hannah Curtis (SENCo) -
Mrs Sarah Smith (Headteacher)  -
Mrs Kaye Green (School Business Manager) -

If you are considering applying for a place at Croughton All Saints CE Primary School and your child has special educational needs or any concerns then the first action is to telephone the school and arrange an initial visit with the Headteacher/SENCo.



  • ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder
  • ADHD – Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
  • ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • BESD – Behavioural Emotional and Social Difficulties
  • CAF – Common Assessment Framework
  • CIASS – Communication and Interaction Support Service (including Autism)
  • CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
  • COP – Code of Practice
  • CP – Child Protection
  • EAL – English as an Additional Language
  • EHCP – Educational Health and Care Plan
  • EP – Educational Psychologist
  • FSM – Free School Meals
  • G&T – Gifted and Talented
  • IEP – Individual Education Plan
  • IPMHS – Integrated Primary Mental Health Service
  • KS – Key Stage
  • LA – Local Authority
  • LAWSS – Learning and Well Bing Support Service
  • LAC – Looked After Child
  • MLD – Moderate Learning Difficulty
  • NC – National Curriculum
  • OT – Occupational Therapist
  • RSA – Request for Statutory Assessment
  • SaLT – Speech and Language Therapy
  • SLCN – Speech Language and Communication Needs
  • SEN – Special Educational Needs
  • SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disability
  • SENCo – Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
  • VI – Visual Impairment