We have had a fabulous day! After a great journey we arrived at the centre and began to become familiar with where everything is. The children located their bedrooms and then after a fire alarm test, they went and had lunch. We then took a short minibus drive for our afternoon walk, through a valley and over the ridge into Wales! The children all did really well and despite some rain very much enjoyed the walk and learning many facts along the way. Upon return we followed the house rules and hung up our wet clothes in the drying room and got ready for dinner. This was pasta and bolognese followed by lemon drizzle cake and custard. There were some clean plates for certain and many having seconds! A room competition is in place for the tidiest room and so they have spent some time working towards that before heading out to do some orienteering on the site. After this we will reflect on the day over a cup of hot chocolate before heading to bed and hopefully they will get a good nights sleep! (who am I kidding?!) Will share more tales tomorrow! Hope you enjoy some photos of the day. ( I will upload a few more in a bit….!)

Mrs Smith

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